Time - 3:18pm Eastern Daylight Time
Temperature: 90 degrees F (32 C)
Conditions: Partly cloudy, hot
Forecast: Partly cloudy with chance of thunderstorms today, mostly sunny tomorrow. Highs in the 90s, lows in the 60s
Hey all,
Yeah, it's been WAY too long since my last blog post. Even longer than it should have been because my last post disappeared into a black hole even after it was up and posted on my other blog.
My other blog. Right - http://sleddoggin.com/blogs/wolfmoonsleddog/ Where I have been blogging since September 2007. The webmaster from sleddoggin.com is taking a break for a while and he warned me before he left that the site would be unsupported. However I decided to keep my blog/website where it was because I was used to it and I didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to move all the content to another site. But then, a couple of weeks back I got on my sleddoggin.com blog to write an update and discovered that the last post I had published was GONE and so was my blog header. Worried that some of my other hard work might inexplicably vanish, I transferred all of the text posts here to this blogspot site (which I already had up with a link to my other blog) and the rest of the website to http://wolfmoonsiberians.wordpress.com/ That site will function as my main information website for Wolf Moon Siberians. It's kind of messy right now but I'll get it fixed up in the next few weeks. And I'm in the process of transferring all the photos from the sleddoggin blog to THIS blog...
I am, however, excited to report that I can now post videos to my blog so you'll get to see some Wolf Moon videos in the near future.
But enough about that, how about an update on the kennel. Really not too much to report, we've had a couple of nice mornings - even hit 48 degrees F a couple of weeks back. I've been doing canicross runs when I can - taking Bonnie and Susie out individually. It's fun to work with them one on one like that. They have such a beautiful gait and quickly settle in to a nice trot. Susan is phenomenal; guess her leading experience payed off big time.
Bonnie is just as enthusiastic but a little more easily distracted. She gets excited at little birds flitting around on the side of the trail, or where other trails branch off. But she's a fast learner and quickly figures out what is wanted of her. She just launches into her harness and pulls.
Calypso is recovering very well. She now has fur back on her leg and she is using it a lot more now. Obviously I'm not taking her running right now but she's getting a little more exercise and is delighted that I'm letting her play more.
Wilson and April are fine. I think I've mentioned before that Willy has finally shed his excess pounds this Summer and looks quite good. He has gotten a little more food-obsessed though and screams bloody murder if anyone (ie. Bonnie) starts nosing around his food bowl. Fortunately I pick up the bowls after everyone eats so this isn't really an issue.
April is still getting around about the same. She's stiff but still happy and enjoying life.
And me? Well I took that GED and passed, so I can start working on my CVT degree when I get that little piece of paper...Yay squared!
Oh, one of my friends at the Chattanooga Nature Center sent me this article yesterday:
From: http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_184461.asp
Dryland Sled Dog Racing Demo At Bark In The Park Oct. 9posted September 20, 2010There will be an short demonstration of Dryland Sled Dog Racing at the third annual Bark in the Park 2010 event on Saturday, Oct. 9, at Heritage Park. Dryland dog sledding, long used to train and condition sled dogs in the off season for races such as the famous "Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race" in Alaska, is rapidly becoming a sport of its own. In Dryland Sled Dog Racing, competitors use a rig (three-four wheeled cart with a locking brake and handle/steering wheel) instead of a sled and race on dirt trails instead of snow. The primary dog used for these races is a Siberian Husky, an independent dog that loves the company of people and other dogs and has an instinctive love of running. Prior to the demo, participants will be able to see the racing rig up close (as well as the dogs) and will be able to ask questions about Dryland Sled Dog Racing and the foster care and adoption of Siberian Huskies.
Admission to Bark in the Park 2010 is free with a small charge for some activities. Heritage Park is located just off East Brainerd Road (behind the Pizza Hut) at 1428 Jenkins Road. The event will be held from 10 .m.-2 p.m. rain or shine and proceeds will support the funding of the new off-leash dog park at Heritage Park (grand opening at the event).Activities at the event include dog adoptions, free "Dogs at Work" demos (police/drug/Goodwill service dogs), free agility and obedience demos, Meet the Breed, a Pet "PAWlour" with nail painting, glitter and hair bows, photos with your dog by a professional photographer, dog fun races (by weight class), contests (best costume, best trick and owner look-alike (male/female)), free face painting for the kids, food and a fire engine. There will also be door prizes and a free spin-the-wheel for additional prizes.Since Oct. 9 is the same day as the Tennessee vs. Georgia football game, there will be a fundraising competition between Tennessee's "Smokey" and Georgia's "Uga" mascots. A bluetick coonhound and a bulldog will be dressed up as these mascots and will be collecting cash votes for the favorite. The mascot that raises the most amount of cash will be declared the winner.There will be a dog parade at the end of the event, led by "Hari", the Bark in the Park mascot.Visit www.chattbarkinthepark.org for more information about the event and join facebook at "Chattanooga Bark in the Park".Vendor spaces are $50 for a 10x10 booth space and are still available. Contact chattbitp@gmail.com to participate as a vendor.
[end of article]
Doesn't say which team this is, and I thought I knew much of what was going on in the SE dryland mushing world.
There's also a canicross event to be held in Rome (GA) next month. Well, they don't call it that but it's a run with your dog race so it's basically the same thing.
Looks like there are FINALLY some interesting events going on nearby. This has been a really frustrating Summer for me. But then, Summer is my least favorite Season. I'd rather be out on the runners with a team on a moonlit trail at 30 below. No, I am not normal.
It feels so weird not being at MCK this year. I keep thinking back like "a year ago this time I was..." (a year ago this time I was helping with kennel chores, Fall training and getting ready for my roadtrip to Yellowstone).
This year at MCK, the handling team is Lori and Kim. Not sure if Phil will be back or if anyone else will be joining the crew. I hope to get back to the kennel at least for a visit or two and to get my so-cold-that-boiling-water-freezes-in-the-air fix this mushing Season.
Also new this year, Manitou Crossing Kennels has a Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Manitou-Crossing-Kennels/150103878344629?v=wall&ref=ts Be sure to check it out, and "like" it if you are on Facebook. They've been posting some AWESOME pictures and blog entries there. Great photos of Jen and Ellie training teams. I'm happy to see how things are going up there...but man I miss the Northwoods and crisp mornings on the ATV...
Fall IS approaching in Georgia but it's a lot harder to tell. It isn't *quite* as humid and the light is at a different angle. Leaves are turning, but it's still TOO FREAKING HOT! Supposed to cool down in a few days so I guess that's a good thing.
Hmmm, not sure what else there is to report. Went to see "Inception" and liked it and spent the rest of the day trying to interpret it...
I'll write more soon. Many apologies for not posting much this past month.

What does your vet have ou doing to help Calypso recover fully? My dog had the same surgery in the fall and she's still limping some. I'm getting concerned that it will never heal fully. She's not a husky but she has always loved to run and I've been to afraid to let her because her limp is still so pronounced.
ReplyDeleteHow long ago was the surgery done on your dog? LAST Fall? It's been a couple of months for Calypso and we are only now really starting to go on walks and such. Still not running but enough to get her leg moving. She still limps some and is especially stiff when she gets up in the morning.
ReplyDeleteWhoops, I meant spring. Her surgery was in the beginning of May. The vet said to wait a couple of days then to start walking her for 5 minutes a day 2-3 times a day. Then each week add a few minutes onto each walk until she is back up to the length of walks she used to be at. Well, it's been too hot here in GA to do long walks in the summer so the walks are just barely starting to be longer again. But the vet said she would be back to normal pretty quickly (and she isn't). She's stiffest when she just gets up from laying down but she doesn't sit the same way she used to and won't stand on it for very long when standing in one place. When I gave her a bath last week, she actually sat in the tub. She's 7 and that's a first for her. She used to really struggle (and win) when I used to make her try to sit in the tub. I have started adding about 2-4 minutes of running into the walks and it seems that as long as she's moving, she's ok. She pulls with the rest of the dogs but at home, when she's walking around, she looks like it's so uncomfortable. I feel so bad for her. She doesn't even climb the stairs to sleep in her kennel anymore so we got a couch for her to lay on on the main floor. She seems ok with that but I don't like that she's still having trouble.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post! I must thank you for this informative read. I hope you will post again soon.
ReplyDeleteKind regard
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