Apr 21st 2010
Location: Finland, MN
Time - 9:28am Central Daylight Time
Temperature: 29 degrees F (-1 C)
Conditions: Cloudy, mild wind
Forecast: Partly cloudy today, mostly sunny tomorrow. Highs in the 50s, lows in the 20s
I think it looks good - a sled on top of Shuttlecraft! With three dogs now (and thoughts of more in future years) I figured that it would probably be a good idea to invest in a sled of my own. And wouldn’t you know it, the perfect one came along when I was visiting one of my mushing friends a week or so back. She kind of mentioned in passing that she was thinking about selling the sled…And so we took it down and I took a look at it. After some thinking, I went back and got it yesterday evening. I’m thrilled!
In the meantime, with Jen due in about a month (wow!), work is progressing on the new house. It is unreal. The builders are probably the most efficient crew I’ve ever seen - not that I’ve really watched a crew build a house before, though. It’s going to be amazing for Blake and Jen to have so much more space. We were discussing it the other night and whole rooms in that house will be as big as the current “cabin for ants”. I like the cabin though…It’s small but I’ve never felt overly crowded in it (okay, maybe that one time we tried to fit twelve or so people in there that time at New Year’s).
It’s been warm up until today. It’s also been dry. And windy. Not a good combination. Blake has been called out on local fires the past two days. Come to think of it, it rained for a good solid two months back in the Fall and then it’s been dry. We only had two really good dumps of snow, one at Christmas and one just before Beargrease. We had a good sledding season but it was short. March is supposed to be the snowiest month in this area of Minnesota but we had about three flakes and the snow was virtually gone by the end of the month (last year we were sledding well into April).
And we haven’t had much rain to speak of now that it’s warmer. It’s just plain weird. Driving down our road (or any forest road, for that matter) we stir up a huge cloud of dust. And when the dogs get excited it stirs up dust. And when they run around the free-run yard it stirs up dust.
Alcan is growing like a (fat) weed. He is going through a very bitey phase right now and has no brothers or sisters to bite. He is still too darn cute though and wags his tail more than any puppy I think I’ve ever seen. A couple of days ago I had him out in the grass and he ran around like a little mad dervish, a delighted wild expression on his face. It’s fun just working with one puppy. As Jen said “he can’t go five directions at once” (like a litter of puppies).
Yep, fun times at MCK.
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2 Responses to “And A New Sled Too!”
Dave Lukosik on 24 Apr 2010 at 7:02 pm # edit this
Nice looking sled! You and your team should have fun with it next Winter! Just got back from the NC mountains and cleaning up fallen limbs from the Winter ice storm. Dry in the mtns and burning not recommended because of fire danger. Alcan is one lucky puppy!
wolfmoonsleddog on 26 Apr 2010 at 6:26 pm # edit this
Thanks! We are really looking forward to using it! Wish there was still snow here.
Sounds like you are dealing with the dryness in NC too - or were, I understand the SE has had a lot of storms in the last couple of days.
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