Time - 6:12pm Eastern Daylight Time
Temperature: 82 degrees F (28 C)
Conditions: Mostly clear, slight breeze, less humid
Forecast: Clear today and tomorrow. Lows in the 40s, highs in the 80s

back in May?
( http://wolfmoonsleddog.blogspot.com/2010/09/adjustingsettling-in.html )
Yeah, they've grown up!
Okay, so I've been really bad lately about posting blogs. Having to change everything around blog/website-wise really annoyed me. Or maybe I've just been distracted with other things. I mean, I've been meaning to write this entry for a week...
Doggie Dash raises more than $400 for youth programming through Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation Authority
by Ellison Langford, staff writer Rn T.Com
Doggie Dash 2010
Runners seemed more interested in sniffing each other than winning during the Paws in the Park Doggie Dash 2010 on Saturday.“It’s not really a race,” said Lincee Powell, event coordinator for the Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation Authority. “We just wanted people to come out with their animals and families and enjoy a day in the park.”The Saturday morning run had four size categories for dogs. Each group walked or ran the two-mile track around the shoal side of Ridge Ferry Park.Joe Tippett stretched his legs with his Shih-Tzu Wally.“We love our dog, and we love to walk,” Tippett said. He got the two-color eyed Wally as a puppy from a breeder.“He was really friendly and visiting with the dogs,” Tippett said as Wally barked at the other participants. “He wasn’t really worried about winning.”Powell said the focus of the run was to provide an event for people and their four-legged family members. Linda Patty said she came to support raising money for youth programming.“We thought that animals would enjoy it,” Patty said. Patty was there with Kim Sartin and Bethany Patty. They brought a boxer, Sarge; two Boston terriers, Charlie and Tinks; and Allie.The entry fees went toward youth programming through Rome-Floyd Parks and Recreation Authority. Powell said she thinks they raised approximately $450.“We’ve had a really good turnout,” Powell said. “We’ve had close to 30 dogs out."
We had a blast at the Doggie Dash. It was a nice cool morning and Bonnie did perfectly. I wasn't sure how she would do with distractions but she was perfectly focused and went right "on by" with merely a passing glance at whatever distraction we encountered (although there *was* this one squirrel...). The run was on a paved trail and I bootied Bonnie although we probably would have been fine without them. I think people thought I was weird.
After that, we went to the grand opening of Pet Sense pet supply store in Rome, which is one of those stores that allows you to bring your pets. So Bonnie got some extra socializing time there. It's the kind of place that Calypso would loooooove but Bonnie was more...cynical. I found a giant sqeaking chicken and Calypso's reaction would have been "Heeeeeeey a SQUEEEEAKKKY!!!!! YAYYYY!!!!" but Bonnie looked at it, head to the side, as if to say "Um, is that a giant squeaking chicken? Why is there a giant squeaking chicken in here? Why are you squeaking it at me? What the...?"
I picked up some new dog bowls while I was there, as well as treats and other supplies. I hope the store does well because it's really nice and there hasn't been a decent pet supply store in Rome for years.
In other news, I think I mentioned I had passed the GED? Well, what I know I didn't mention is that the examiner at Northwest Tech told me I had the highest score in Writing that she had ever seen. Not to brag or anything....On the other hand, I don't think I fit the bill of the typical person who takes the GED...
But that aside, pretty much the same routine going on here. It did hit 35 degrees F yesterday morning. GREAT run! Fall is definitely underway - FINALLY! It couldn't have come soon enough if you ask me.
More soon!
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