Jul 13th 2010
Location: Armuchee, GA
Time - 9:48am Eastern Daylight Time
Temperature: 76 degrees F (24C)
Conditions: Cloudy
Forecast: Mostly cloudy with thunderstorms today, lows in the 70s, partly cloudy tomorrow. Highs in the 90s

Calypso, looking much more sad than she actually is!
Although Calypso does have cause to be sad. Last week I saw that she was limping and it didn’t improve. I took her to the vet last Friday and she said she suspected a partially torn ACL in her left rear knee. This sucks, although we are hoping in will get better on its own. We kind of have Calypso under house arrest right now, which she is dealing with better than expected. She does seem miffed that we’re not letting her run and jump and she’s having limited contact with Bonnie and Susan because the three of them always like to romp around.
Kippy (Calypso) and Susie shared the same crate last night and I think they enjoyed that. Bonnie got to be the spoiled hog and slept on my bed.
Things are good, other than that. We just got great news this morning that means our off-topic issues are going as well as possible. Yay! Celebration here today, that’s for sure.
My Mom and I watched two movies recently. (500) Days Of Summer and Nell. Both were very, very good and I highly reccomend them.
In the meantime the dog shed looks great. We have a couple more strips to nail up and then all that’s left is the doors (and windows, if I decide to do that). It’s going to be great!
Next project: New doghouses and stakeout posts.
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3 Responses to “Poor Calypso”
Tiffany on 13 Jul 2010 at 8:26 am # edit this
So sad for Calypso! My dog, Jasmine, had to have her ACL replaced 3 months ago. She lives to run but hasn’t been able to yet. She’s building her strength back up and she has finally rejoined the rest of the dogs on our evening walks. I’m hoping she’ll be back to normal by the fall so she can resume bikejoring and going on biking trips with me in the winter. I hope Calypso is able to heal well and quickly!
wolfmoonsleddog on 14 Jul 2010 at 7:50 am # edit this
Sorry to hear about Jasmine. I hope she recovers well by the time colder weather rolls around. We are hoping that Calypso will heal up on her own and not have to go into surgery. Fortunately, like I mentioned, it looks like it is only a partial tear.
Dave Lukosik on 15 Jul 2010 at 8:52 pm # edit this
Hey Calypso, best wishes for a speedy recovery and take it easy!
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