Apr 25th 2010
Location: Finland, MN
Time - 8:40pm Central Daylight Time
Temperature: 48 degrees F (9 C)
Conditions: Mostly cloudy, slight wind
Forecast: Partly cloudy today and tomorrow. Highs in the 50s, lows in the 20s
ABOVE PHOTOS: Jen brushing Slug in the free-run yard (left) and Alcan (right), who will be 9 weeks old tomorrow.
The drought continues at MCK. Yesterday we had a few drops of rain but not much…We had wind that was blowing dust across the yard so that it looked more like we lived in the desert rather than (notoriously wet) Northern Minnesota. Dust devils were spinning all over the place. When we free-ran the dogs today, they kicked up a cloud of dust. It’s utterly unreal.
Yesterday I went to a mushers’ potluck near Virginia (MN) and got to see some of my mushing friends and meet some new people too. It was a lot of fun and there was a LOT of GOOD food. Plus, mushers are fun to hang out with.
Saorise went to a new home today. In some ways I am sad to see her go but I really like her new person and I think she has a great home!
I took Bonnie for a scooter run this morning and we flushed a grouse. That was interesting. I am working individually with Bonnie like I have done with Calypso and Susan in the past. Bonnie has been running on a team all Winter but has never really run solo. The scooter work is helping her become more confident running by herself and I’m sure that will help her in running in a team. I love my dogs!
In the meantime, I am pondering what to do next. My initial job in Alaska fell through. I have some feelers out about alternatives though. We’ll see what happens. We never know what’s around the corner and that’s what makes the trail interesting.
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2 Responses to ““Welcome To The Desert…””
Tonichelle on 08 May 2010 at 7:41 pm # edit this
Sled dog puppies are so stupidly adorable it isn’t even funny!
wolfmoonsleddog on 09 May 2010 at 7:33 pm # edit this
They ARE! And they seem to know it too…
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