Jun 5th 2010
Location: Armuchee, GA
Time - 4:04pm Eastern Daylight Time
Temperature: 87 degrees F (31 C)
Conditions: Sunny, warm, humid
Forecast: Chance of isolated thunderstorms today and tomorrow. Highs in the 80s, lows in the 60s
Aaaagggghhhh! There are tribbles on my bookshelf!
Actually those are my ruffs and I wanted to store them where they wouldn’t get squashed. And the other things on the shelf are a few of my books, not organized in any particular order. Some of them are books that I’ve had since I was quite small. Yeah, I’m still trying to get the book thing sorted out.
Sorry about dropping off the face of the planet these past few days. Things here have not been fun lately. It’s probably a good thing that my Alaska job did not work out. The past week has been one blurred day after another, just trying to get through each one. We knew things would be rough but didn’t know they’d be this rough.
The dogs are doing fine and are perfectly happy but I wish I were doing more things with them. My attention is just split right now, although I’m very grateful to have the dogs to distract me. I’m looking forward to being able to have them back in the house.
My work at Kristin and David’s has been going very well and has been emotionally therapuetic. I get to be outside working in the gardens, doing things that are natural and simple. It gives me time to think and, as I said, I love being outside with the birds singing, rabbits at the edge of the trees and two puppies who think they are very funny (and okay, they are).
I recently read the novel Good Omens and, although I am hesitant to reccomend it because I know that many of my friends and readers would be highly offended by the nature of the content, I will say that it’s been a long, long time since I have enjoyed a book that much. I love the Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy-esque style it’s written in, as well as the fact that it has underlying substance. It stays with you.
Changing the subject yet again, as you can see I have been re-vamping this site. It’s still in the messy stages - I’ll try to get it cleaned up in the next couple of days and have it where I would like it (and where it actually makes sense). I am changing the site to be more in line with what I am currently doing with my team and where I plan to go from here. I now have brand-new pages for Calypso, Bonnie and Susan (and let me tell you I got pretty frustrated trying to get the pedigrees to look right. I’d get them right in the editing section of WordPress and then *poof* they would be all scrambled and all over the place when I viewed what the page would look like on an actual web browser. Thank goodness I know a bit of HTML!
Not much new to report. We’ve recently had an invasion of mice in the basement and I’ve been live-trapping them with mice cubes and releasing them farther and farther away from the house. I think we finally found out where they were coming in and have blocked it up.
And yes, I will be getting the “Where Are They Now” post up soon. I have some great stories and photos to share!
In the meantime, I think I need to go water the houseplants.
[exits laughing diabolically]
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