May 30th 2010
Location: Armuchee, GA
Time - 8:57pm Eastern Daylight Time
Temperature: 73 degrees F (23C)
Conditions: Mostly cloudy, humid
Forecast: Scattered thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow. Lows in the 60s, highs in the 70s
Construction on The Structure has begun! My poor Dad - every time I come home I have some grand new project that I drag him into helping me with…This time it is a shed for all my dog stuff that is currently scattered all over the house, etc.
Initially it was just a little thing with a dirt floor to hang my dogyard cleaning equipment but then I started thinking of everything else that could go in it. And it got bigger and bigger. Seriously though, when we put up the boards on the side today I was a bit shocked at how tall it was. Holy cow! This is going to be great!
It’s good to have this to keep my mind busy. I did my GED diagnostic. The 80-minute science section took me 34 minutes! I’ve been going on and on about that to my friends who are probably sick of hearing me brag about it. But in all seriousness, I did pretty good on the diagnostic although I think I need to review algebra. My studybook has two or three more full-length practice tests so that’s good.
In the dogpen there is a sheltered area that had chicken wire around it. There’s a good reason for this - it used to be a chicken coop! But it dawned on me that, although I like the shelter area, there’s no reason for it to have a chicken wire fence around it! So I took the wire off and it looks much, much better!
The dogs are doing fine. They’ve been spending most of the time outside over the past few days due to some family things that are going on but once we get through this portion of that we should all be ready to have them (and their goofy antics) back inside the house.
But…here’s something else. I call my micro-kennel Wolf Moon. This goes back to Aspen who was born on a full moon in January 2000. The full moon in January is known as the Wolf Moon, hence the name I gave Aspen (Wolf Moon Aspen). When I continued with dogs after Aspen died, I kept her name as the “kennel” name. Wolf Moon Kennels. I loved the sound of it and thought it was original and a good name for a sled dog kennel.
Good name? Definitely! Original? Not so much.
Turn out there are at least three other kennels called Wolf Moon. The first, breeds American Pit Bull Terriers. Not a huge problem as this is very unrelated to mushing. But the other two Wolf Moon Kennels are both sled dog kennels! There is this one - and this one -
So this raises the question, as I am looking into doing more stuff with my own dogs, with my own micro-kennel name; do I keep the name Wolf Moon or find something else? I am not offended that others have used the same name. Not by a long shot. More power to them! Still, I’m not sure what it means for my Wolf Moon. So the thought goes around and around my head. Keep the Kennel name and run the risk of…I don’t know? Change the kennel name but keep the name Wolf Moon as the line name for when/if I raise a litter of puppies? Change the kennel name and potential line name? Call it Wolf Moon Siberians rather than Wolf Moon Kennels? It’s just that I’ve had the name Wolf Moon for so long. It’s always been Wolf Moon.
I don’t know. I haven’t decided what to do. What do YOU think? I’d love to hear anyone’s input.
I mean, there’s not really any originality anywhere. I kid you not there’s even another Alice White who runs sled dogs. Seriously. I am not making this up. She’s even close to my age. I read about this Alice White about a year ago and tried to contact her but no results. Maybe she was as weirded out as I was.
But putting aside the ‘Mirror, Mirror’ episode of Star Trek (thanks to Bonz for pointing out that connection last year!), I am hopeful for a good dryland mushing season.
But I miss MCK and can’t quite get used to the fact that I’m back in Georgia semi-permanently now. I’m not back for a couple of weeks or a couple of months before I head back to Minnesota. Now THAT really does weird me out. I keep coming across pictures of the kennel or the cabin or The Vortex…The Vortex was my room for two years and suddenly it’s not. It’s not waiting for me all ready with all of my stuff for when I get back. I won’t be holing up there in the evenings to read or watch an occasional movie or TV show episode on DVD. Won’t be sitting there with the radio on. Won’t be thinking darn I really should tidy up in here…tomorrow. Geez, I’m really missing my room up there!
To say nothing of my friends, both human and canine. I miss you guys.
Not that I won’t be getting back there. In fact, I fully intend to. You won’t be able to keep me away. It’s just the fact that I no longer live at MCK that I can’t quite wrap my mind around.
In the meantime, I have had the very strange experience of sitting beside someone I care about tremendously who feels really, really sick. Feels like crap. And I sat there and was very concious of how good I felt physically. I felt no pain, my mind was clear and yet right there was someone who was in pain. You have no idea how strange that seems. It seems so wrong. I feel if only I could siphon a little bit of that hurt off and deal with it myself and lesson their pain…I don’t know.
But I don’t want to end this blog post on a dark and disturbing note. I am a happy person and although I encounter dark things, I try not to let them get me down (sometimes this makes me wonder if others see me as a cold person. I’m not, I feel things just as much as the next person). I use the time to write and research and let my mind wander.
One of the things I am doing is revamping this website. Nothing new is up yet but I am working on completely re-doing some pages and parts (no worries though, the blog portion will remain the same). This again brings us back to the whole “kennel name” question.
In doing some research for the revamped site, I discovered which has been WAY too much of a distraction. I found Calypso’s sister, Mary (Kristari’s Bloody Mary no less!). Unfortunately there were no pictures of her. I also spent an absurd amount of time tracing my dogs back to Togo. Not all of the Jedeye dogs are in the database but Inga is and all of the Anadyr dogs are. And all of Calypso’s side of the family is on there. If I am correct in my interpretation, although Calypso comes from a whole different side of the Siberian husky lineage than Bonnie and Susan, they can all be traced back to a single dog: Tanta Of Alyeska (, Togo’s granddaughter. Tanta had many offspring. In one litter there were two siblings named Cheeak and Togo (NOT to be confused with the original Togo). This other Togo was bred to a dog named Kira and their descendents eventually led to Calypso. Bonnie and Susan, on the other hand, can be traced back to Cheeak.
But I digress…
I have started working for Kristin and David at the farm I mentioned in my last post. I spent last Friday morning clearing weeds from around blueberry bushes and then mulching them. Ana and Albert were very helpful! More on this soon!
Oh, and if you really want to know - Just be warned that’s it’s LONG if you have a slow/limited internet connection.
Until next time!
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8 Responses to “Wolf Moon Kennel?”
Dave Lukosik on 30 May 2010 at 8:52 pm # edit this
You all are moving right along on the “Structure”! Wolf Moon Siberians sounds pretty good! Did you read the bio of Christine Wolf of Wolf Moon Kennels? DeJaVu, pretty Twilight Zone stuff! Just kidding! Yes, I have traced a boy I adopted last year back 23 generations to Togo also with that website! It is OK to feel the loss of the MCK experience but you are a better person for having done it! Your girls are an everyday reminder of that reality! I must be weird, but I never liked Star Trek! I could not bring myself to watch the Mirror, Mirror episode. What was the point of the episode? Best wishes to you all!
wolfmoonsleddog on 31 May 2010 at 8:43 am # edit this
I know! Things go so much faster with two people working! And thanks for the kennel name input!
Gotta’ love that PawVillage website.
Yes, I wouldn’t trade my MCK experience for anything and I know I will always remember it fondly. And I expect I will be back there with my dogs from time to time. I am SO glad I have my girls here. I’d be going crazy if I didn’t.
You’re not weird for not being into “Star Trek.” Hah, I’m weird for liking it as much as I do. The Mirror Mirror episode deals with the Enterprise crew entering a parallel universe and meeting dark alternate versions of themselves (while breaking pretty much all known laws of physics which HAPPENS IN EVERY ‘TREK’ EPISODE! LOL).
Peter Duncan on 31 May 2010 at 12:10 pm # edit this
I think you just need to look at the kennels that share your name and decide whether you think anyone is likely to get you all muddled up…………
looks to me like you’re far enough apart and doing different enough aspects fof the sport for it not to be an issue.
Our kennel name means Full Moon - but we use the Gaelic language so despite it not being that original a name, at least we’re highly unlikely to share it with anyone.
Life is change, store those good experiences and memories in your lifebook and go on to make many more, different ones.
colddonkey on 31 May 2010 at 1:39 pm # edit this
Wolf Moon Siberians, would be a excellent choice. It implies a specific breed not some puppy mill, like Dan’s Kennels would.
wolfmoonsleddog on 31 May 2010 at 8:16 pm # edit this
Thanks everyone for your input! I really appreciate it and it’s good to hear what other people think.
Peter, I really like what you’ve done with your kennel name! By the way, I didn’t realize you had a blog (hmmm, what rock have I been hiding under this time)! I’ll definitely be following it.
Colddonkey, I see your point (though most sled dog kennels call themselves ‘Kennel’ or ‘Kennels’. But then most sled dog kennels aren’t running purebreds).
Cheers and thanks again!
Dave Lukosik on 31 May 2010 at 11:20 pm # edit this
Thanks for the explanation of the Star Trek episode! You can beam me up, Scotty! It’s great to see “Capt Kirk” still on TV in those cute commercials!
wolfmoonsleddog on 05 Jun 2010 at 4:49 pm # edit this
You’re welcome!
I am so out-of-the-loop when it comes to much of what is on TV…what commercials are these?
Latest dog kennel news – Can a Human Medicine Work as Dog Kennel Cough Medicine? on 28 Jun 2010 at 11:27 am # edit this
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