Jun 29th 2010
Location: Armuchee, GA
Time - 8:20pm Eastern Daylight Time
Temperature: 82 degrees F (28C)
Conditions: Mostly clear
Forecast: Chance of thunderstorms tonight and tomorrow. Highs in the 80s, lows in the 60s.

Above: Ana, who will NOT be running the Iditrod.
So the sign-up for the 2011 Iditarod opened last weekend and, although there will be more entrants added to this list later, here are the 45 teams who signed up last Saturday:
Mitch Seavey, Sterling;
Hugh Neff, Tok;
Sebastian Schnuelle, Paxson;
Mike Williams Jr, Akiak;
Paul Gebhardt, Kasilof;
Aliy Zirkle, Two Rivers;
Jim Lanier, Chugiak;
Jodi Bailey, Chatanika;
Melissa Owens, Nome;
G.B. Jones, Knik;
Ken Anderson, Two Rivers;
Dallas Seavey, Willow;
Brennan Norden, Kasilof;
Kelley Griffin, Wasilla;
DeeDee Jonrowe, Willow;
Kristy Berington, Kasilof;
Wattie McDonald, Scotland;
Michael Suprenant, Chugiak;
Bruce Linton, Kasilof;
Scott Janssen, Anchorage;
Hans Gatt, Whitehorse;
Ellen Halvorson, Wasilla;
Judy Currier, Fairbanks;
Bob Storey, Willow;
Newton Marshall, Jamaica;
Billy Snodgrass, Dubois, Wyo.;
Lance Mackey, Fairbanks;
Martin Buser, Big Lake;
Jessica Hendricks, Two Rivers;
Michelle Philips, Tagish, Yukon;
Gerry Willomitzer, Whitehorse;
Allen Moore, Two Rivers;
Karin Hendrickson, Willow;
Zoya DeNure, Paxson;
Ramey Smyth, Willow;
Magnus Kaltenborn, Big Lake;
Trent Herbst, Ketchum, Idaho;
Angie Taggart, Ketchikan;
Ray Redington Jr., Knik;
Linwood Fiedler, Willow,
Lachlan Clarke, Buena Vista, Colo.;
Kris Hoffman, Steamboat Springs, Colo.;
Tom Thurston, Oak Creek, Colo.;
Mike Santos, Cantwell;
Robert Bundtzen, Anchorage;
Kelly Maixner, Big Lake.
Obviously missing from this list is Jeff King, who retired after the 2010 Iditarod. Well, retired as much as someone like Jeff King can…
However, even without King in the mix, the 2011 field looks to be very competitive (hey, we’ve got Lance Mackey going up against a record that -so far- nobody has been able to beat) and there are plenty of familiar faces showing up. On the other hand there are depressingly few rookies. It is getting harder and harder for rookies to qualify for the race. Whether this is a good or bad thing remains to be seen.
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6 Responses to “Mushers Sign Up For 2011 Iditarod”
Toni Reitter on 29 Jun 2010 at 7:44 pm # edit this
I think the restraints they’ve put on rookies is needed. After so many (including a Seavey!) got caught in the blizzard in 2009 and some were NOT at ALL prepared to deal with it (we came dangerously close to our first musher death). I can’t help but think the latest rules have really helped with dog safety and health. No dog deaths for the first time EVER, which is in and of itself something to celebrate
all of this I know you know… but I have to think it’s a good thing!
Carly on 01 Jul 2010 at 4:02 am # edit this
Agreed! I am glad they tightened up the requirements. After 2009, something had to be done to protect the dogs AND the mushers so everyone is as prepared for the trail as possible.
I see Schnuelle couldn’t give it up, although he mused on it this year.
Thank you for posting this!
wolfmoonsleddog on 03 Jul 2010 at 7:54 am # edit this
You’re welcome! Always interested to see who signs up for the Iditarod.
It’s hard to know how the rule changes will play out. Obviously this year’s Iditarod was GREAT and a MAJOR improvement over 2009.
The changes do, however, make it harder for even legitamate rookies to qualify. It’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out, either way…
Dave Lukosik on 03 Jul 2010 at 9:59 pm # edit this
Having been an Iditarod fan since 1977,when I lived in Anchorage(1976-81) and saw several of the race starts. In my opinion, if most major things go right for a rookie he/she can survive the race and maybe even finish it! But given a major weather event, dog team problem, outdoor camping problem, etc a rookie can have a disaster and be a liability to the race, the dogs, and the musher. There have been several near deaths in the rookie ranks and some of the experienced mushers survived because of their extensive experience in cold weather and on the trail. Let’s get rid of the ego-tripping rookies that just want bragging rights and an Iditarod Finishers belt buckle if they are lucky. Someone that really works to get the long distance mushing experience and has the where with all to finance and run the race should be given the opportunity to participate! Note DB Jones is running again! Hope Jeff King changes his mind and runs the race!
wolfmoonsleddog on 05 Jul 2010 at 4:49 pm # edit this
Huh, I just wrote a long reply and it disappeared. Okay not writing it over again so:
1) David, I agree but I think some qualified rookies are being turned off by the whole hassle and increasing costs of running the race (ie. entry fee is approx. 4 times what it was)
2) Good to see GB back. I don’t think Jeff will be back, he’s down to 30-something dogs now and selling 11 more.
3) Sorry this is short. I’m not trying to come across as snippy - I’m just miffed that my nice long post ran away and I really don’t feel like typing all of that over again.
Cheers and have a good day!
Dave Lukosik on 05 Jul 2010 at 8:17 pm # edit this
I know the feeling! One wrong key stroke and zap! All your thoughts and key strokes are gone! Yes, the entry fee is getting out of sight! One thing for sure, the Iditarod Race gives alot of people inside and outside Alaska something to do and look forward to during the long Alaskan Winter! I remember that well from living thru 5 long Winters up there!
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