Apr 15th 2010
Location: Finland, MN
Time - 7:59pm Central Standard Time
Temperature: 55 degrees F
Conditions: Clear, very windy
Forecast: Clear tonight, partly cloudy tomorrow and windy. Lows in the 20s, highs in the 60s

Two years ago, almost to the day, I went on a birdwatching trip with my parents and I had a crazy idea that got away from me and turned into reality. I’ve always had such crazy ideas that form from the very dangerous thought “what if…”
When I was small, like many kids, I believed that those “what-ifs” could happen, believed that they would happen. Unlike some people, I never grew out of this. Two years ago, almost to the day, I had a crazy “what-if” idea that became a reality. I still believe that crazy ideas can come true, and look where it has gotten me.
Dream big and dare to fail
- Norman Vaughan
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2 Responses to “Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast”
Dave Lukosik on 17 Apr 2010 at 11:26 pm # edit this
A journey of a 1,000 miles begins with a single step, as someone so aptly stated! Is that an airplane view of the MCK property?
wolfmoonsleddog on 19 Apr 2010 at 6:29 pm # edit this
Very true!
That above photo is MCK and was taken from an ultralight.
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